GPS took part in events organized by the international private sector at COP26

Cambio climático

Sobre las COP En 1992, la ONU organizó un gran evento en Río de Janeiro llamado Cumbre de la Tierra, en el que se adoptó la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC). En este tratado, las naciones acordaron «estabilizar las concentraciones de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera» para […]

GPS was part of AAPRESID Congress


Marcelo Regunaga, Gustavo Idigoras y Marcos Jank participaron en el congreso de AAPRESID 2021 «Siempre Vivo, Siempre Diverso», en un panel moderado por Pilu Giraudo que discutió la contribución de América del Sur en la sostenibilidad de la producción agroalimentaria con miras a la Cumbre sobre Sistemas Alimentarios de las Naciones Unidas

Webinar #6 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum «Trade: The EU and Latin America. Partners in sustainable Trade and Development. The Mercosur Agreement»

Webinar #6 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum "Trade: The EU and Latin America. Partners in sustainable Trade and Development. The Mercosur Agreement"

Speakers: Iana Dreyer, Founder of; writer on trade and energy policy. She has worked with the European Centre for International Political Economy, the Institute Montaigne and the EU Institute for Security Studies, Financial Times Group. Emily Rees, Senior Fellow at ECIPE and Managing Director at Trade Strategies, a trade and regulatory advisory consultancy. She comes from […]

SAFE FOOD: Mercosur agri-food entities issue a statement guaranteeing the safety and innocuousness of their products

SAFE FOOD: Mercosur agri-food entities issue a statement guaranteeing the safety and innocuousness of their products

La pandemia del COVID-19 ha supuesto importantes cambios y disrupciones a nivel del comercio internacional, siendo una de las principales consecuencias el cierre de las fronteras y las interrupciones en las cadenas globales de valor.  Este fenómeno, que se manifiesta en todos los ámbitos del intercambio mundial, tiene efectos particulares en el comercio agroalimentario, amenazando […]

Webinar #5 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum «The importance of collaboration to meet Climate Change Net-Zero ambitions while protecting vulnerable communities and expanding their opportunities for economic growth to promote climate justice»

Webinar #5 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum "The importance of collaboration to meet Climate Change Net-Zero ambitions while protecting vulnerable communities and expanding their opportunities for economic growth to promote climate justice"

Welcome and Opening Remarks Robert Woodthorpe Browne MBE, Chair, The Paddy Ashdown Forum and Horacio Sánchez Caballero, General Coordinator, GPS Speakers: Hakima El Haite, President Liberal International.  Member of the executive board of Mouvement Populaire Morocco, former Minister of Environment forthe Kingdom of Morocco, vice president of COP 21 (Paris Agreement) and advisor to COP26. […]

Food market stability: A necessary step for global social and environmental sustainability

Food market stability: A necessary step for global social and environmental sustainability

Pablo Elverdin, Martin Piñeiro, Valeria Piñeiro, Estefania Puricelli, Marcelo Regunaga and Federico Villarreal Este artículo es un un Cross Post de IFPRI, IICA, G-20 Insights y GPS. / This article is a Cross Post from IFPRI, IICA, G-20 Insights and GPS. Please refer to Food Security Portal for the original version. When we think about food price stability, we typically […]

Webinar #4 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum «Trade and Forests. The EU Green Deal and Deforestation, challenges for the Argentine public and private sectors, and the possibilities for a joint work»

Webinar #4 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum "Trade and Forests. The EU Green Deal and Deforestation, challenges for the Argentine public and private sectors, and the possibilities for a joint work"

Welcome and Opening Remarks Robert Woodthorpe Browne MBE, Chair, The Paddy Ashdown Forum and Horacio Sánchez Caballero, General Coordinator, GPS Panelists: Borjan Grlas, Team Leader, International Forestry Policy of the Environmental Directorate General, European Commission, Alexander Doring, Secretary-General of European Feed Manufacturer’s Federation (FEFAC), Gustavo Idígoras, President of the Chamber of the oil industry of the Argentine Republic (CIARA-CEC) […]