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Member of GPS Uruguay network. Since 1993, she is responsible for the Office of the Executive Secretary (management) of Unión de Exportadores del Uruguay. She was director of the Export Promotion Program of Unión de Exportadores (Exporters’ Union) from 1989 to 1993. Throughout her career at the UEU, she participated and continues to participate in official and private missions to different countries. Since 2016 she is a member of the advisory group of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security representing the corporate sector. She was Chair of Sociedad de Criadores Brangus del Uruguay. She is director of Servicios y Productos del Uruguay SRL, an undertaking in the livestock genetics and rural tourism sectors in Maldonado. She received several awards in recognition for her work. Particularly worth mentioning are the Woman of the Year award in 2011, the award from the Josefa Oribe Center for studies and training in 2013, and the Condecoration from the French Embassy with the insignias of the National Order of Merit, with the rank of Chevallier. In 2016 she was appointed business representative of the Uruguay-Iran Joint Commercial Committee. In 2017 she was nominated by the president of Uruguay, Mr. Tabaré Vázquez, as the most influential businesswoman between 1972 and 2017.
Member of GPS Argentina network. Economist graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a master’s degree in economics from the New York University (NYU), United States. He has held various public offices in Argentina, being Secretary of Industry and Commerce, Undersecretary of External Trade Policy and Management, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of the Province of Buenos Aires, General Manager of the National Commission for Foreign Trade and Chief Economist of the Commission National Defense of Competition. He has been an instructor for the World Trade Organization and a professor at several Argentine universities. He is currently a professor and researcher at the Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina de Negocios and a consultant for international organizations (FAO, IDB, IICA, WTO). He is also a professor in the Master of Commerce and International Business at the National University of Quilmes, teaching the subjects: Local Production, Competitiveness and International Insertion and the Seminar on Strategy and Public Intelligence in International Trade Administration.
Member GPS Argentina network. Master in Economic Development, University of Sussex, Great Britain. PhD, University of Sussex. Bachelor of Economics, University of Buenos Aires. He is currently a guest researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Political Economy (IIEP) of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and principal researcher of the Center for Public Policy Implementation (CIPPEC). Consultant member of the Argentine Council of International Relations, CARI. Member of the Strategic Committee of the T-20 Argentina. Senior Advisor of the General Audit of the Nation. Between 2005 and mid-2013 he served as Director of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) of the Inter-American Development Bank. He has been Executive Director for Argentina and Haiti before the Inter-American Development Bank and the Inter-American Investment Corporation based in Washington, DC. He was Regional Advisor of the Executive Secretariat of ECLAC, based in Santiago, Chile and Director of the Economic Development Division of that institution. Previously, he served as an economist at the IDB Office in Argentina. Consultant of various international organizations. He served as Deputy Secretary of Budget of the Ministry of Finance of the Nation and Undersecretary of Public Investment Programming of Argentina. He has been Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and has taught seminars and post-graduate courses in several academic institutions. He is the author of several works published in magazines, books and institutional publications.
Member GPS Uruguay network. She is a lawyer, graduated from the University of the Republic (UDELAR). She was a member of the Uruguayan Foreign Service, mainly performing functions in the multilateral sphere. She was a member of the Uruguayan negotiating team during the Uruguay Round of the GATT and a delegate to the World Trade Organization, the International Organization for Migration and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. He participated on behalf of Uruguay in meetings of various forums, among others, the UN Human Rights Commission, the UN Economic and Social Council, the UN Conference for Trade and Development and the United Nations Development Agenda. She was a consultant and Project Officer for the IOM Regional Office in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since its founding in 2003, she is the Executive Secretary of the Uruguayan Council for International Relations. And since 2019 it collaborates with the Punta del Este Group, an independent analysis and proposal group, for the defense of the multilateral trading system.
Member GPS Argentina network. MBA (Master in Business Administration) graduated from the Polytechnic University of Madrid -Spain-; Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires; with a Postgraduate specialization in Business Administration at UPM in Madrid, Spain. He completed postgraduate programs at Harvard University -United States- and on Strategic Business Planning at the University of Chile. He carried out postgraduate studies in the university teaching career in Political Science at the University of Buenos Aires. President of the Argentine Chapter of the “International Society for Performance Improvement” (ISPI) since 2012. Director of the Master’s Degree in Strategic and Technological Development (DET), and Professor of International Competitive Strategies, at the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA) since 2014. President of LIDE International Chapter in Argentina. Consultant Member of CARI (Argentine Council for International Relations) since 2016 and member of the Advisory Council of Cippec (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth) since 2015. Member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services. Advisor and consultant for companies (Argentine and foreign). Founder and Managing Director since 2010 of the consulting firm «DNI – International Business Development»..
Member of GPS Argentina network. Professor of agribusiness and bioenergy at Universidad de San Andrés, ITBA- Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires and UTN-Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Bioenergy consultant. Agricultural Producer. Consulting Member of CARI- Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales. Former Director of MAIZAR- Asociación Maíz y Sorgo Argentino (Argentine Maize and Sorghum Association) Former Director of MAIZALL- International Maize Alliance.
A member of the GPS Argentina network, Pilu is the 5th generation of producers in his family, in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina. She is an Agronomist, producer and advisor, with a Postgraduate Degree in Senior Management in Agribusiness and Food from FAUBA. Honorary President of Aapresid, Argentine Association of Direct Sowing Producers. She participates and is a member of different institutions and initiatives in the country and globally, promoting Argentine leadership in defense of sustainable production systems and the power of the bioeconomy to meet not only current but also future demands of humanity. She promotes the role and voice of producers in the highest level places of local, regional and world discussion. Founding member of Red Mujeres Rurales in 2018 (www.mujeresrurales.com) and involved in communication programs to bring the reality of the “countryside” closer to all of society, CampoMinado, AM550 Radio Colonia. She is also linked to NGOs in the country that work to prevent Malnutrition and Food Waste. Member of the Board at RIL (www.redinnovacionlocal.org), member of ConArgentina and Constituya, Red Ciudadana. Between June 2016 and March 2018, she was Coordinator of Policies for Sustainable Development in the Ministry of Agroindustry 0f Argentina..
Member of GPS Argentina network. Agricultural Production Engineer – Universidad Católica Argentina. Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA) IAE – Business and Management School. Director of the Innovar y Emprender Agency of the province of Córdoba. Mixed public-private company (2019) .Director in Sustainable Agricultural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Córdoba since 2018. Member of the directive commission of the CREA movement being its president biennium from 2015 to 2017.President of the first CREA Technological Congress ( 2011) and President of the CREA Melo – Serrano group. (1997). Member of the advisory council of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of the province of Córdoba and of the advisory council of INTA Córdoba region for the government of Córdoba. Founder of the Regional group AAPRESID Laboulaye (2005).
Member of GPS Argentina network. Degree in Political Sciences, Masters in International Relations and Masters in Business Administration, which he earned in Belgium. He is Director of the Center for Agrifood Studies of Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, and graduate professor at the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires, International consultant in agribusiness and bioenergy, as well as in public agricultural and health policies. He advises governments in Latin America, the IDB and the World Trade Organization. He is a founding member of the BIM consulting firm and the GIROBIZ sustainability company. He was an Argentine government official for 17 years as international negotiator, representing Argentina before the EU as Minister Counselor for Agricultural Matters, in negotiations with MERCOSUR, China, the US, the EU, etc. He has authored several publications on world food trade.
Member of GPS Argentina network. Graduate in Political Science with a specialization in International Relations from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Honor Diploma) and Master in International Economic Relations and Negotiations from the Universidad del San Andrés-FLACSO-University of Barcelona. Managing partner of ESTRATECO Consultores where she develops her professional activity as an international consultant and researcher specializing in issues of access to markets for agroindustrial products, international trade negotiations, sustainability and formulation of public-private policies and strategies, advising both the exporting business sector and governments and international organizations. She has more than 15 years of university teaching and postgraduate courses at a national, public / private and international level. She is the author of various publications on issues of world food trade and conditions of sustainability in access to markets.
Member of GPS international network. She is an Economist in the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division at the International Food Policy Research Institute. Her research interests include international trade, development strategies and economic growth, growth linkages and regional dynamics, and sources of growth and structural change. She has significant experience working in the areas of economic development and growth using General Equilibrium Models (CGE) as an analytical tool and has for the last several years led courses in many countries teaching the theory and application of CGE models. She is also a faculty member at the Applied Economics Master’s Program in the Johns Hopkins University. Valeria received her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maryland.
Member of GPS Argentina network. Economist, member of the CEO Group. He is currently also an external consultant of the International Food Policy Research Institute –IFPRI-. His areas of research include economics, trade, food security and agroindustrial policy, and he has published many discussion papers and articles in recent years. He formerly held several government positions. He was Director of Sectorial Integration and Industrial Policy of the Argentine Industry Ministry and General Coordinator of the export promotion program -ProArgentina- of the same Ministry. He also worked as foreign trade and industrial policy advisor to the Argentine Industry Secretary and as an industrial development expert at the Ministry of Economic Development of the City of Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Economy of the Province of Buenos Aires. He was consultant to the Unidad de Cambio Rural -UCAR- (Rural Change Unit) of the National Ministry of Agriculture. In academia, he was full professor of Macroeconomics at Universidad del Salvador and Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics subjects at Universidad de Buenos Aires; of International Trade and International Means of Payment at Universidad de Tres de Febrero, and of Sectoral Analysis and Market Research at Universidad Católica Argentina.
She is part of GPS Argentina network. Natural Resources Engineer graduated from UNLPam (Argentina). Master in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources for Agriculture and Doctor in Agricultural Sciences graduated from UNMdP (Argentina). Doctoral and postdoctoral fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET Argentina) in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences. Research professor at UNLPam. Undergraduate and graduate teacher at national universities (UNLPam and UNC). Author and co-author of scientific articles in international journals (Field Crops Research, Global Change Biology, Ecohydrology, Journal of Arid Environment. Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Management, MethodsX) and books. Director of the Research Project at UNLPam (Res. No99 / 19).
Member of GPS Uruguay network. He is a professor and researcher at the Economics Department and Professor of Econometrics and Statistics at Universidad ORT Uruguay. He is a researcher and member of the Centro de Investigaciones Económicas (cinve) (Center for Economic Research). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Iowa State University, and a degree in Economics from the Universidad de la República de Uruguay. His areas of interest are applied microeconomics, micro econometrics and applied public policy. His areas of research are economics of agriculture and natural resources, climate change, economics of production in uncertainty and agricultural policy. He has published in leading journals such as Climactic Change, European Review of Agricultural Economics and Economics Research International, as well as many policy briefs. His research projects have been funded by the IDB, the World Bank, FAO, IFPRI, the Latin American Development Bank, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, as well as by Argentine institutions such as ANII, INIA, and the Ministry of Economy. He was Head of the Economics of Natural Resources Area of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay. He is a member of the National Researchers System of Uruguay and professor of Economics and International Trade at the Diplomatic School in Uruguay. He participates in the Regional Center of Climate Change and Decision Making, in the Center of Australian Studies and in the Technological Water Center of ANII.
Member of GPS Argentina network. He holds a Masters (MIA) from Columbia University in New York and a Doctoral title from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires. He has teaching experience at university level and has been published in Spanish and English. Prior to entering the Argentine Foreign Service he worked in the private sector as an economist in public investment projects. Between 2016 and March 2020 he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Prior to this, between December 2005 and November 2015 he was resident Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa and non-resident Ambassador to nine SADC countries. During his period in Argentina between 2000 and 2005 he was Director of International Security, Nuclear and Spatial Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including the Presidency of the “Missile Technology Control Regime” (MTCR); Director General of Human Rights; Special Advisor to the Argentine Dialogue (UNDP/UN) from January to July 2002; and Undersecretary of International Economic Affairs in the Province of Buenos Aires. Between 1989-99 he was at the United Nations in New York both in his capacity as Argentine delegate and international UN official. Between 1987 and 1988 he was in charge of negotiations around the Treaty for the Special Associative Relationship with Italy and between 1982 and 1986 he was acting representative to the food organizations of the United Nations in Rome (FAO, WFP, IFAD and WFC). Prior to this, he was in Hong Kong in 1981 and between 1979 and 1980 he worked on matters relating to economic integration and regional cooperation. He entered the Argentine Foreign Service through public competition in 1979. He has been published, featuring in various interviews in the written press, on television and on the radio. He is an honorary member and honorary consultant of various academic and business institutions.
Member of GPS Argentina network. Industrial Engineer (ITBA). With broad business experience in the agro-industrial sector, Silvia is committed to social development, supporting inclusion and gender parity. Director of Fundación Irradia, a Latin-American NGO, accelerator of community actions, promoting sustainable development from evidence of success. Member of GPS (Grupo de Países Productores del Sur- Group of Producing Countries of the Southern Cone), a network of private institutions and experts willing to contribute to the construction of a South American center that will be able to meet new food demands in a sustainable manner. Leader of commercial and business development activities, former Global CCO/ Head of Commercial Platforms and member of the Executive Committee of Louis Dreyfus Company, Former CEO of South and West Latin America. Former Vice President of Argentina’s Grain Export Chamber and the Argentine Chamber of Oilseed Processors CIARA/CEC. Founding member of Marianne, a French and Argentine women’s organization of active professional leaders in their areas of influence. Jury member for Cartier Women’s Initiative Award, supporting and encouraging projects led by women entrepreneurs.
Member of GPS Argentina network. Consultant in environmental issues. An agricultural engineer with a doctor’s degree from Louvain Catholic University in Belgium. Principal Researcher at the CONICET, former researcher at INTA and professor at Universidad Austral. Leading author of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports and of reports on other governmental environmental programs. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Honorary member of AACREA. Advises GPS (Group of Producing Countries from the Southern Cone) and Sociedad Rural Argentina on environmental matters.
Member of GPS Support Team in the US. Agricultural engineer UBA. Founder of Matriarca, Harvard CID consultant on agribusiness value chains, shareholder and founder of Bioceres. Member of the Consultative Committee of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), member of the Board of Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI) of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and member of the Board of Fundación Emprendimientos Rurales Los Grobo. She joined Los Grobo in 1991 and was instrumental in the growth and development of the Group. She supervised the commercial area of the Group until 2002. She was Corporate Human Resources Director of the Los Grobo Group, chair of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and Executive Director for 20 years. She also served as Vice-Chair and member of the Board of Fundación Poder Ciudadano, Chair of Fundación Darse Cuenta and Chair of the Advisory Council of the School for young entrepreneurs.
Member of the GPS Steering Committee in Brazil. Eduardo Daher is an economist (FEA / USP), business manager (FGV) and has a postgraduate degree in Marketing (FGV). He was selected by the Inter-American University Association (AUI) to attend a summer school on economic development at Harvard. He has already worked at Banco Nacional de Minas Gerais SA, at Companhia Paulista de Fertilizantes (Copas), and he founded the rural nucleus of Norton Publicidade S.A., of which he became its director (1982-1989). In 2003 he decided to leave the advertising Market behind to become the director of the National Fertilizer Diffusion Association (ANDA). In 2010 he was invited to take over the direction of the National Association for Plant Defense (Andef). Eduardo also held a seat on the Superior Council for Agribusiness (Cosag), of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Cosag / Fiesp); he was a founding member of the Brazilian Association of Rural Marketing and Agribusiness; and advisor to Fiesp at the Foundation for the Development of Agribusiness Research (Fundepag). He also gave classes at the University of São Paulo School (USP) and at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation MBA. Eduardo Daher today holds the position of executive director at ABAG – Brazilian Agribusiness Association.
Member of the Management Committee of GPS Uruguay.
Notary Public (Universidad de la República) and specialist in Agribusiness Management (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and North Dakota State University –Cochcram Program). He works as a Notary at Escribanía de la Fuente and is Director of OKARA® and OKARA Tech®, Chairman of the Dolores Agricultural Association and member of the Rural Federation of Uruguay. He is also chairman of “JMR a Farm Company” in Illinois – USA. He has acted as advisor to BBVA, CreditFoncier in Monaco, Scotiabank and BHU, and General Secretary of the IT and Legal Security Committee of the International Union of Notaries Public, member of the Commercial Law and Comparative Law and Integration Institutes of Universidad Notarial Argentina, Coordinator of the IT and New Technologies Committee of the Uruguay Association of Notaries Public, and member of the Faculty of Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Author of the book “CLAVES PARA EL GOBIERNO DE LOS SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN” (Key Points for the Governance of Information Systems). In 2017 he received the Order of Notarial Merit Cross awarded by the Collegiate Union of Notaries Public of Colombia. He lectures on issues relating to IT Law and new technologies at various international events.
Member of GPS Uruguay Steering Committee. Agricultural Engineer, Victoria has a post-graduate degree in Human Resources, a degree in Agribusiness Management.
Since 1998 she has been working with institutions from the agribusiness chain and logistics industry, including private sector companies as well as academic, research and technological development entities. She is in the Board of Directors of the Uruguayan Federation of Regional Agricultural Experimentation Centers (FUCREA) and of the National Institute of Logistics (INALOG). Currently, she coordinates the Association of Grain Traders (ACG), a part of the Chamber of Mercantile Products of the Country (CMPP), and the National Feedlot Board (MAC).
Member of GPS Uruguay Steering Committee. Degree in Agricultural Management. Graduated from UDE, Universidad de la Empresa. Founder and President of CONPRISTE A.C.I.S.A., Empresa Agropecuaria, with three Establishments located in Soriano, Río Negro and Salto. Cattle ranching system, specializing in feed lots. Export of Quota 481 and other quality niches. Exporter of whole calves on the hoof. Feedlot in Salto, authorized for a quarantine station. Crop rotation based agricultural system and complying with the Soil Use and Management Plan. Soybean, Maize and Sorghum in summer. Wheat, oats and barley for feed in winter. Establishment of irrigation in the agricultural area of Salto. Mother of three children.
Ingo Plöger
Member of the GPS Brazil network. Engineer and economist, businessman, mentor, founder of IPDES for international strategic consultancy. Shareholder and board member of Cía Melhoramentos de São Paulo. President of CEAL, director of national and international companies, such as ROBERT BOSCH, VW MAN, SONDA, and is a member of institutions such as CNI, ABAG, Brazilian-German Chamber of Commerce, FEI Educacional and the Institute of Childhood Cancer (ITACI).
Member of the technical support team of GPS Argentina. Lawyer specializing in international law and agro-industrial and environmental negotiations. Currently, he is the Director of the Institute for International Agricultural Negotiations Foundation (INAI).
He has written articles and papers for national and international publications on issues related to agro-industrial trade, negotiations, dispute resolution, sustainable development, food security, among others. He has worked as a consultant for international institutions such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the World Bank, and such as the Provincial Agricultural Services Program (PROSAP) and the Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPCVA).
He is a professor at the Austral University (Legal Regime of Agribusiness), at the National University of La Plata (International Trade) and the University of Tres de Febrero (Geographical Indications). He has been a speaker at various conferences and conferences (Bolsa de Cereales, IFPRI, ACSOJA, MAIZAR, CARI) and visiting professor at various universities (UBA, UNTREF, UNLP, UCA, UNLPam).
He is a Consultant member of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI), member of the Forum of Lawyers for International Trade of Argentina (FACIA) and president of the Environment and Energy Commission of ICC Argentina.
He has a Law Degree (UNLP), a Master's Degree in International Relations (Thesis pending) from the Institute of International Relations (IRI, UNLP) and is currently studying a Master's Degree in Law and Economics (UTDT).
María Noel Sanguinetti
Founding member and Secretary of the Fundación Argentina Global. Graduate in International Relations with an Honor Diploma from the Universidad del Salvador. He completed a Master’s Degree in International Business Relations at the National University of Tres de Febrero. Fulbright Scholar and FURP. Between the years 2015 and 2019 he was Coordinator of Strategic Affairs, with rank and hierarchy of Undersecretary, and Advisor to the Secretary of Strategic Affairs and the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation. Previously, he worked at the Undersecretary of International Relations of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, as well as at the International Trade Institute of the ICBC Foundation, at the Argentine Investment and International Trade Agency, and at the Okita Foundation. He has more than a decade of university teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Relations (Salvador, UCES, NYU Argentina) and was Director of the CARI Latin American Studies Committee between 2014 and 2020.