Mission and vision

The fact that there are 7 billion inhabitants to be fed at the global level represents a real challenge for food security.

At GPS we know that South America has a key and ever greater role to play in supplying the growing world demand for food. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay account for 30% of net food exports to the rest of the world, using environmentally sustainable agricultural practices.

But the production potential of the region needs to overcome several challenges to become firmly established and grow. GPS therefore seeks to contribute to the integration of the countries of the region (ABPU) and to their international relevance.


Coordinating views to achieve the positioning of the agricultural industry with a strategic vision of the region and of the world.

Generating content

Generating content to provide information and analysis to strengthen public-private dialogue in our areas of interest within each country and among countries.


Disseminating information and ideas through the promotion and organization of, and participation in, national, regional and international forums.