GPS documents

Challenges and Opportunities for a Post-Brexit Mercosur-United Kingdom Agreement

Challenges and Opportunities for a Post-Brexit Mercosur-United Kingdom Agreement

Norberto Pontiroli, September 2020.

The purpose of this paper is to contribute analytical elements, scenarios and alternatives for action that will make it possible to progress towards an Agreement between Mercosur and the United Kingdom following its exit from the European Union (Brexit).

In the first section, we will provide a trade potential snapshot, in light of the analysis of the trade flows between Mercosur and the United Kingdom during the last three years.

In the second section we will discuss the political and institutional context within which the relationship between Mercosur and the United Kingdom takes place, taking into account the potential obstacles to overcome and the challenges represented by the political dialogue environment.

In the third section we will identify and review a number of alternatives to make a stronger bond possible, emphasizing the windows of opportunity in the short term and, particularly, those that will make it possible to advance the negotiation objectives. Finally, some conclusions are provided, looking towards the process that lies ahead.