
Webinar #4 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum «Trade and Forests. The EU Green Deal and Deforestation, challenges for the Argentine public and private sectors, and the possibilities for a joint work»

Webinar #4 GPS-The Paddy Ashdown Forum "Trade and Forests. The EU Green Deal and Deforestation, challenges for the Argentine public and private sectors, and the possibilities for a joint work"

Welcome and Opening Remarks Robert Woodthorpe Browne MBE, Chair, The Paddy Ashdown Forum and Horacio Sánchez Caballero, General Coordinator, GPS

Panelists: Borjan Grlas, Team Leader, International Forestry Policy of the Environmental Directorate General, European Commission, Alexander Doring, Secretary-General of European Feed Manufacturer’s Federation (FEFAC), Gustavo Idígoras, President of the Chamber of the oil industry of the Argentine Republic (CIARA-CEC) and member of GPS network y Tomás Schlichter, Vice President of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina Republic (INTA).

Closing remarks: Carola Ramón Berjano, Undersecretary of Multilateral and Bilateral Economic Negotiations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina Republic.