T20 Brasil 2024: Sustainability, Food Security and the Role of Trade

Abstract Food security, especially in emerging countries with limited resources, is a critical global issue, worsened by climate change. Sustainable production should integrate biodiversity conservation and emissions reduction. Imbalances between food production and consumption lead to increased reliance on imports, highlighting the need for strategic food trade to stabilize global food systems. This trade offers […]

T20 Brasil 2024: Global Labelling for Food Quality Attributes

Abstract Food production is a complex and varied set of activities, both agricultural and nonagricultural, involving an increasing number of sectors and actors that influence the way food is produced, processed, distributed, and consumed. Also new dimensions are being considered when food is produced, traded, and exported. The impact of agrifood systems on the environment […]

América Latina y el Caribe: claves para fortalecer el comercio multilateral en un escenario global fragmentado

En medio de un panorama de crecientes tensiones económicas y comerciales globales, el Instituto Internacional de Investigación sobre Políticas Alimentarias (IFPRI) y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), con la contribución de miembros del Grupo de Países Productores del Sur (GPS), se publicó el informe NAVIGATING THE TRADE LANDSCAPE: A Latin American […]

B20 Brasil 2024: Trade & Investment

The Trade & Investment task force discusses global trade and investment policies. Its primary goals include promoting open, equitable, and efficient international trade by reducing trade barriers, ensuring fair trade practices, and improving the resilience and efficiency of global supply chains. It strives to foster an environment conducive to cross-border investments, inclusive economic growth, and […]

B20 Brasil 2024: Sustainable Food Systems & Agriculture

The Sustainable Food Systems & Agriculture Task Force prioritizes food security and sustainability in agriculture as central to its mission. Its discussions and policy recommendations will look to ensure sustainable agricultural practices and value chains, resilient food systems,  biodiversity conservation, and equitable access to nutritious food. By addressing these critical issues, this task force aims […]

Lanzamiento en la 13ª Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC: Perspectivas latinoamericanas sobre comercio y seguridad alimentaria

La publicación “Navegando el Panorama del Comercio: una perspectiva latinoamericana sobre la 13ª Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC” fue presentado durante la 13ª Conferencia Ministerial de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC), en la ciudad de Abu Dhabi, capital de Emiratos Árabes Unidos. El documento contó con la participación de varios miembros de la red […]

Cattle farming and climate change in the Americas: in search of net zero emissions

Ernesto F. Viglizzo This study, presented at COP28 in the IICA pavilion, suggests that the impact of livestock farming on global warming is much smaller than assumed when emissions are accurately attributed only to the livestock period, excluding those erroneously assigned to the livestock from other sectors. The research, led by Argentine scientist Ernesto Viglizzo, […]

Instituciones y Políticas Públicas para una Estrategia de Desarrollo basada en la Bioeconomía

Por Roberto Bisang, Marcelo Regúnaga y Eduardo Trigo. El presente documento destaca la importancia de la Bioeconomía a nivel global como un nuevo enfoque del desarrollo económico que contempla, no sólo el crecimiento sino también, las preocupaciones sobre el deterioro de los recursos naturales y el cambio climático. Para Argentina, la bioeconomía representa una alternativa […]